Chillin’ and Grillin’

When you think of your grill, burgers and hot dogs probably come to mind. But did you know you can make pizza, veggies, even nachos (say, WHAT) on the grill?
You can use your barbecue for a whole lot more than you thought. Here are a few ideas for a summer of sizzling yum.
Pizza Pizzazz
Nobody wants to use the oven on a hot summer day, but you and the family are craving pizza. Your grill has got this!
- You can use homemade dough, or easier yet, buy it pre-made, roll it out, making sure the edges aren’t taller than the pie, to make cooking it evenly easier.
- Sprinkle some flour on a rimless cookie sheet and place your pie in the center.
- Heat up your grill for a few minutes. When it’s good and hot, brush some olive oil onto the grates and slide your pizza dough onto the grill. Close the lid and cook for two minutes. If not browned, cook a minute at a time, until done.
- Use a spatula to lift the pizza pie off the grill and flip it cooked side up back onto your cookie sheet, brush it with olive oil, and a ladle full of tomato sauce.
- Next, put your favorite ingredients on and take it back to the grill. If you have a gas grill, lower the heat. If you have a charcoal grill, fully open the vents and the cover. Cook for 2-3 minutes until that cheese is bubbly and the bottom is browned.
- Let it cool on a cutting board, slice it up and you know what to do after that (Mmmmm)! For full recipe, check out
Calling all Vegetables
If you’ve got some non-meat eaters in the house, or just want to get some more vitamin packed veggies into your diet, grilling vegetables is simple and absolutely delish. Here is a step-by-step recipe that not only offers the best ways to slice and dice for grilling, but also the cooking times different vegetables require. It even provides a hereby dressing for dipping. The great thing about grilling veggies is that you can serve them as a main or a side dish, use in salads, or refrigerate and enjoy all week long.
Nacho Ordinary Appetizer
You certainly don’t think of nachos when you think of grilling, but here’s a recipe that will have you piling on the cheese and fixing’s and getting the barbecue ready to rock. The smokiness inhabits the chips for extra, extra flavor, like you didn’t like them enough already! Whether it’s game day or Tuesday, these nachos are a perfect appetizer or a full meal.