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  • Financial

College Planning: Finance Edition

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

The college planning process may seem daunting, but don’t worry! We have some expert tips to assist you on your journey.

Simple Steps to Success

If you haven’t opened a checking or savings account yet, no worries! This is a fantastic time to do so. You can easily set up an account with Northeast Credit Union – just make an initial deposit of $5 (we suggest using that graduation money) to become a member-owner. With Digital Banking and other fantastic perks like our Financial Tools, mobile deposit, mobile wallet, and person-to-person payments, your money is always within reach – no matter where you are.

Planning Ahead

College is expensive, and the costs aren’t always upfront, but we have some guides to help with your college planning process. This article on The Cost of College Life highlights most of the potential costs going into college. While financial aid is a huge help, it can be confusing, so here is an article about Filling Out The FAFSA, the most common way to receive financial aid.

Perhaps you’re going to join the military or start working after high school. Finding not only your career path, but also a great employer to invest in you can be challenging. You’ll need to make important choices as a full-time employee regarding benefits, 401(k)s and taxes. This article on Job Benefits walks you through all your potential options.

Enjoy It

This summer after graduating high school is your chance to relish in the freedom of youth. Don’t rush to adulthood just yet; take time to enjoy the present moment and all that it has to offer. And by taking the first steps towards achieving financial wellness, you’re already setting yourself up for success in the future.