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Join Us for Random Acts of Kindness Week 2023

Northeast Credit Union

This year, Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week runs from February 12, 2023 to February 18, 2023. RAK Week is a seven-day celebration where people around the world unite for one common goal – to spread kindness! 

At Northeast Credit Union, RAK Week is one of our favorite times of year, and we want you to join us! Whether you choose to participate in RAK Week by yourself, with a friend, or as a family, these ideas will help enrich and nourish your community. Here is a list of seven random acts of kindness that you can do to brighten someone’s day.

  1. Donate grocery store gift cards for schools to give to parents who are struggling to purchase lunch for their children.
  2. Give a loved one a call to let them know you’re thinking about them.
  3. Donate or give some of your time to a local shelter or food bank.
  4. Check in on your neighbors and deliver some baked goods or flowers.
  5. Pay it forward: Pay for someone’s coffee in line or leave a roll of quarters behind at the local laundromat.  
  6. Support a Local Business: Order from your favorite local restaurant or find a small shop in your town. 
  7. Support First Responders: Send a thank you card to your local police or fire department.

Tag us @northeastcu on Facebook and Twitter, and @northeast_cu on Instagram so we can see how you’re spreading kindness during RAK Week! Follow along with us on social to see all the ways our staff are spreading kindness in the communities we serve.

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Week!