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Let’s (Lobster) Roll

Northeast Credit Union

Some foods are synonymous with summer, and in New England, one of them that ranks high is the lobster roll.  We wouldn’t want you to do any more work than you have to find the tastiest lobster roll in your neck of the woods, so with a little help from Yankee Magazine, here’s the ultimate list of the mouthwatering best New England has to offer.

Close to Home. The New Hampshire Prize.

Rye Harbor Lobster Pound  – Small, but mighty, this waterfront spot gets the gold. They serve both cold and hot rolls, but their hot roll smothered in sherry butter sauce will give you the feels for classic seafood dishes like lobster Newberg.

The Best in Bean Town

Row 34 – Choose from the hot butter version or the mayo roll flavored with lemon and celery. While the original is located in Massachusetts, Portsmouth now has its very own Row 34 – and it’s a local favorite!

The Maine Thing.

Mcloons Lobster Shack – This little red shack, smack on the water, not only serves up Maine’s best lobster rolls, you also get to watch the fishermen do their thing as you sink your teeth into the sublime. Super sweet meat is served on a buttered bun, with the mayo on the bottom, not mixed-in, as is traditional. You can also choose a butter version, and if you just can’t decide—jackpot–you can get half of each.

Your Connecticut Connection.

Lobster Landing – Located in Clinton, CT, this rustic shack, with a water view serves up a perfect buttery lobster roll. And speaking of rolls, they choose an Italian-style grinder roll instead of the classic “hot dog” version, but it works deliciously.

Rhode (Island) Trip.

Matunuck Oyster Bar – Head for South Kingstown for a sweet and tender roll that’s hard to beat. Yes, the smallest state in the country boasts some big flavor in the lobster roll department.

Landlocked Vermont Makes the Grade.

Honeypie – Known for skiing and maple syrup, Vermont may not have an ocean nearby, but don’t let that fool you into thinking this lobster roll is anything, but pure perfection. Word has it, they have great milkshakes, too.