Sadie Gives Back to Others

Sadie values the importance of making connections with people and giving back to others. Her warm, friendly demeanor is an asset, but her determination to make a difference in her community is what sets her apart. Sadie has spearheaded several fundraisers by rallying her classmates to participate in organized school food drives to benefit the LISTEN Center food pantry. Last year, her efforts yielded 1,700 lbs of food. In addition, she is a member of her school’s Youth in Action program, which is a high school service organization that promotes goodwill in the community. Sadie has been involved with blanket making, cookies and writing notes to hospital staff, and other positive community donation activities. Sadie has also assisted with parent nights and new student orientations in her role as a “high school student ambassador”. She is an exceptional role model for her peers.
Sadie’s selflessness and positive impact on her community is why she was selected as a 2023 Nice Catch Kind Kid.