How to Save Money on your Halloween Costume

When it comes to Halloween, you can go big without going broke if you use a little ingenuity, a lot of creativity and enlist your own little ghosts and goblins to help.
Make it. Decorations are costly, but why not bust out the art supplies and get creative. Map out a plan and gather the gang. There are plenty of easy and fun “Halloween Craft DIYs” on Pinterest or Google.
Plan it. If you live in a busy area, you can go through a whole lot of candy, so be prepared. Start a few months before the holiday and look for deals and specials. Pre-planning can help cut down your bill. Waiting to buy your sweet stash will only cost you more.
Sew it. If you’re a seamstress, then you’ve got it made when it comes to costumes. But, if you aren’t (like most of us), there are ways to create simple, yet cool homemade costumes. Sit down with your kids before the holiday and decide what they would like to masquerade as. Utilizing old clothing, towels, sheets and remnants from a fabric store will all help you save.
Buy it on clearance. Fact: Halloween will come again next year! So, the day after, head to the store and take advantage of decorations, napkins, costumes, tablecloths, and other spooky items that are on sale. You’ll be ahead of the game next October 31.