Northeast CU Donates $120,000 to Local Nonprofits

This year, more than ever, the nonprofits in New Hampshire and Maine need our help. Regardless of what is happening in the world, these organizations continue to work tirelessly to help those in need. That is why we, at Northeast Credit Union, created The Love Your Community Awards (LYC) initiative, to award $120,000 to eligible nonprofits in 2020.
Each month, from June to November, local nonprofits had the opportunity to apply for funding through the Love Your Community Awards application. After completion of the month’ application period, voting was opened to the community. Each month, ten nonprofit organizations were awarded funding in the following amounts: (2) $5000, (2) $2500, (4) $1000, (2) $500. The winners were announced after voting was closed.
Hundreds of nonprofit organizations located across the region applied. Every applicant had the opportunity to win funding this year so long as they met our eligibility requirements. If an organization didn’t win for the month they applied, they were encouraged to re-apply, giving them additional chances to receive funding.
“We are proud to play our part in helping the communities in which we serve recover from this unprecedented crisis, and we applaud the local nonprofit community for their tireless dedication to providing support to those who need it most.” said Northeast Credit Union President and CEO Timothy J. Collia.
Northeast Credit Union is proud to congratulate this year’s nonprofit organizations for winning The Love Your Community Awards.