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  • Financial

Retirement Planning for Millennials: IRA Options

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

The current reality for Millennials is full of challenges, including high student loan debt, increasing rent prices, and fierce competition in the job market. Consequently, retirement savings can appear daunting. Nevertheless, there is no better time to start saving than the present moment! Let’s explore the various IRA options that are available.

What is an IRA?

An IRA is a personalized savings plan that can offer tax benefits on either the deposits or withdrawals, depending on the type of IRA selected.

IRA accounts come with a set of regulations that dictate how much money you can contribute each year, when you can withdraw funds penalty-free, and how much you’re expected to withdraw in retirement. One of the most significant limitations is that you must be at least 59 ½ years old to avoid early withdrawal penalties from the IRS. Keep in mind that these rules change annually, so it’s wise to consult a tax advisor if you have any questions.

Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA

Don’t despair if a 401(k) plan is not available to you. The good news is that you can still open a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA. These tax-advantaged retirement accounts allow you to invest in various investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

The Roth IRA

Millennials are drawn to the Roth IRA due to its unique features. Although contributions are taxed, distributions can be tax-free if you meet the specific requirements. Unlike a Traditional IRA, there is no mandatory minimum distribution until after the owner’s death, and your money can accumulate indefinitely. Plus, you can contribute to both Traditional and Roth IRAs as long as you have a steady income. Additionally, you can withdraw your contributions (excluding earnings) from a Roth IRA without paying taxes anytime.

The Traditional IRA

While the Traditional IRA shares some similarities with the Roth IRA, it offers tax-deductible contributions for eligible individuals and requires withdrawals to begin at a certain age based on your birth year. Your decision between the two will largely depend on your expected tax bracket during retirement. Opting for a Roth IRA now may be wise if you anticipate career growth and a higher income at retirement, as the tax savings will be greater than the income tax paid on contributions at present when you’re likely in a lower bracket. On the other hand, a Traditional IRA may be better suited for those who anticipate a lower tax bracket at retirement. It’s important to understand these differences and consider your personal financial situation and retirement goals before making a decision.

Understanding Your Retirement Plan

Retirement accounts come with varying rules, fees, and investment options. It’s essential to understand your personal financial situation and retirement goals when selecting the right plan. Always read the fine print thoroughly before signing on the dotted line to avoid any surprises down the road.

**It’s important to note that individual retirement plans, like Roth IRAs and Traditional IRAs, have restrictions on contributions and distributions, and can be subject to change. Before making any investment decisions, it’s crucial to review the current guidance published by the IRS on individual retirement plans. As always, our content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal, tax, or financial advice.